IonQ Quantum Cloud can be integrated with any SAML 2.0 compatible Single sign-on (SSO) provider, such as Azure Active Directory, Okta, or JumpCloud. By federating IonQ with your Provider, you can easily provide access to anyone in your organization and manage that access centrally.

Before you begin

To successfully complete this integration, you’ll need:

  • The ability to create or register a new Application in your Identity system
  • Your Identity provider’s Entity ID, SAML SSO URL, and Public Key certificate.

Configuring Your Identity Provider

Your Identity Provider must be configured to recognize IonQ Quantum Cloud as a new application. How this works varies by provider, but typically you’ll find an Applications section within your Admin control panel.

When you create the new application, you’ll set the following:

  1. Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL:
  2. Application Entity ID:

Once the App has been added to your system, you’ll be able to create access rules for your users. Again, how this is configured varies by provider, but typically App access is set for either specific roles or specific users.

IonQ Configuration

Once the App has been added on the Identity Provider side, email the following information to [email protected]:

  1. Identity provider’s Entity ID: A URI that identifies the identity provider.
  2. Identity provider’s SAML SSO URL: The URL of the identity provider’s sign-in page.
  3. Identity provider’s public key certificate: The certificate used to validate tokens signed by the identity provider.

Once received, our team will configure the provider in our production environment within 2 business days.

Testing and Support

Once we’ve registered your provider with IonQ Quantum Cloud, the IonQ team will get in touch to work with you so you can debug and test the configuration before enabling it on your organization.

If you need further assistance, or have any questions about this process, please reach out at [email protected] or contact the Customer Success manager for your Organization.